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MoVe Green - Mobile Vertical Facade Greening

Minimal operating costs • cooling • increasing biodiversity• urban farming • thermal protection

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High yields with effective irrigation with the new DRAINMAX-Green

Positive effect on the microclimate with the capillary subsurface irrigation system for urban and agricultural…

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We give water a new life

A look back in form of an article at 30 years of INTEWA

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Grauwasser-Recycling als Renditebringer bei Neubau und Sanierung

Die Suche nach nachhaltigen Lösungen im Bereich der Wasserversorgung, um die Kosten der stetig weiter steigenden…

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Sustainability Best Practice INTEWA

Smarte Lösungen für eine nachhaltige Wasserkreislaufwirtschaft - Artikel vom digitalHUB Aachen

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BMBF selects Aachen network for wastewater reuse

AIX-Net-WWR, the "Aachen Network for Waste Water Reuse", is a network that wants to "give wastewater anew life" and not…

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Sustainable goals at INTEWA

Learn which of the UN's 17 sustainable goals can be achieved with INTEWA systems.

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Video: How the AQUALOOP Tap works

How exactly does the AQUALOOP Tap work and what is it particularly suitable for? In this short video, we provide you…

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Technical article about stormwater management

Novel stormwater management solutions for municipalities. Store, cool, clean and irrigate with capillary rise.

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Neuer Store für private Endkunden

Vielleicht haben Sie es schon gesehen: Wir haben unseren Store visuell sowie strukturell überarbeitet. Schauen Sie mal…

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Save cash with this tank

Are you paying too much for water at home? We have the solution for you!

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NSF 350C Certification - Simply explained

Our AQUALOOP greywater recycling system has NSF 350C certification. But what exactly does that mean?

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Stormwater management up to date

Important notes on the use of the DWA rules and regulations. Status April 2021.

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Videos of the Eco-Innovation Project with AQUALOOP

Take a look at these two videos about our AQUALOOP and its areas of application.

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Fachartikel Grauwasser 4.0

Digitales Grauwasser-Recycling als fester Bestandteil im Gewerbe- und Wohnungsneubau

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