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Umweltminister Krischer besucht INTEWA in Aachen

Im Rahmen seiner Thementour besuchte der Minister für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Verkehr verschiedene (Vorzeige-)Projekte im Land Nordrhein-Westfalen - darunter die INTEWA GmbH.

"The climate crisis is an ecological and economic challenge. We therefore need strong climate protection and precautionary climate adaptation," said Oliver Krischer, Environment Minister for NRW. For this reason, he has visited various companies in recent months to find out about the topics of recycling management, flood protection, road infrastructure, moorland protection, bicycle mobility and climate adaptation.

The minister's aim is to gain an overview of selected topics and to enter into an exchange with local players in the business community. In this context, he visited INTEWA GmbH at its headquarters in Aachen.
Here he spoke on site with Dr. Ralf Kaiser, responsible for major projects in Germany, and Nico Hafran, responsible for service, trade and sales in the private customer sector, about the special features of the INTEWA company building. Since this is not only energy-neutral, but also water self-sufficient and cost-efficient, the minister was presented with an excellent showcase for sustainable commercial construction. It became particularly clear that strong climate protection is not possible without adapted water management.

The technologies implemented in the INTEWA building, such as rain to potable water treatment, greywater recycling, multiple recycling of greywater, wastewater recycling, various infiltration and retention technologies, and subsurface irrigation stimulated interesting discussions among the participants on site.

Oliver Krischer was joined by Irene Seemann from the Climate Adaptation Network and Andreas Stump, Tim Lochschmidt and Ms. Jansen from the Ministry of the Environment.

The Minister's visit was received as extremely positive and promising and we look forward to seeing more focus on the topic of water reuse in the planning and implementation of construction projects in the future.