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AQUALOOP direct ultra filtration unit


AQUALOOP direct (AL-direct) is a direct filtration unit with an ultrafiltration membrane. The membrane technology allows the smallest particles in the water, such as microorganisms, bacteria and viruses larger than 0.02 μm, to be retained.

Thanks to its compact and efficient design, the AL-direct ultrafiltration unit can be used in a wide range of applications, from private single-family homes to commercial housing and industrial applications:

  • Potable water from rainwater
  • Treatment of well or surface water
  • Treatment of waste water from small sewage treatment plants
  • Hygienization of water for adiabatic cooling
  • Process water for industry and commerce
  • Filter pre-stage for reverse osmosis systems
  • Irrigation


Advantages of AQUALOOP direct


Simple installation, commissioning and operation

The ready-to-connect system can be connected to your domestic water system in just a few simple steps.


Low space requirement due to direct filtration

The rainwater is pumped directly from its storage tank through the system to the consumer as required. This eliminates the need for a clear water tank.


Outside-in filter principle

AL-direct is an ultrafiltration unit based on the outside-in filter principle. The raw water is fed into the filtration housing (2) via the inlet connection (1) and pressed through the UF fiber bundles (3) by the upstream pressure of the inlet water. Particles and bacteria/viruses are safely retained on the outside of the membrane fibers. The clear water inside each membrane fiber is brought together via the respective central pipe (4) and the clear water from all three central pipes is fed to the outlet nozzle (5) via the distributor (5).


  1. Raw water inlet
  2. Filtration housing
  3. UF membrane (1 of 3)
  4. Central pipe (1 of 3)
  5. Distributor 3/1
  6. Clear water outlet

Parallel connection

If you want to increase the filtration capacity, you can easily do this by connecting several AQUALOOP direct units in parallel. With a combination of two or even four units and a pump pressure of 3.5 bar, you can increase your daily throughput from 1,500 liters to 6,000 liters, for example.


An example design with one, two and four AL-direct filter units in parallel operation with pre-cleaned roof run-off water (rainwater) and a maintenance interval of 1 year can be seen here:


Pump pressure


Flow rate

max. [l/min] / []m³/h]

(= new condition)

Flow rate

up to maintenance [l/min]

(in operation)

Daily throughput


1 x AL‐direct

3.5 bar 

60 / 3,6 

60 - 12 

1500 l/day

2 x AL‐direct

3.5 bar 

120 / 7,2 

120 ‐ 24 

3000 l/day

4 x AL‐direct

3.5 bar 

240 / 14,4 

240 – 58

6000 l/day

*Note: The flow rates are approximate, as they are highly dependent on the raw water quality and the blockage status of the membrane.

Treatment of rainwater into potable water

System example: AL-DW1000
  1. PURAIN filter
  2. PLURAFIT inlet calming
  3. Floating suction filter
  4. SDS suction hose
  5. Wall duct
  6. RAINMASTER Favorit SC
  7. Expansion vessel
  8. AL-direct
  9. UV unit

AQUALOOP direct zur Getränkeproduktion

Zum ersten Mal kam die Ultrafiltrationseinheit bei der Wasserlieferung für unsere RAINwaterdrinks - Getränke aus Regenwasser- zum Einsatz. In wenigen Stunden wurden mehrere Tausend Liter gesammeltes Regenwasser aus dem Speicher unter dem INTEWA Firmengelände durch die Membran in den Wassertransporttank gepumpt. Das Ergebnis dieser Aktion ist nicht nur hygienisch einwandfreies Wasser, sondern überzeugt auch mit seinem Geschmack.

In unserem Online-Store können Sie sich selbst von unserem beeRAIN Regenwasserbier und unserer RAINade Zitronen-Regenwasserlimoande überzeugen.

Jetzt bestellen

Good to know

Theoretically, AL-direct can filter 60 l/min x 24 h x 60 min = 86,400 l/day with continuous filtration at a differential pressure of approx. 3.5 bar. How long the ultrafiltration unit can be used without cleaning depends on the degree of contamination of the water. When used for drinking water from rainwater for a detached house, for example, a daily filtration volume of 500 liters achieves a service life of approx. 4 years without maintenance. 


The AL-direct ultrafiltration unit is very easy to clean manually. To do this, the clamping ring is loosened and the cover together with the membrane bundle is shaken in a water bath. In the event of fouling (biology) or scaling (limescale), it can also be cleaned very easily with chlorine or citric acid. A detailed description can be found in the manual


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