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Infiltration capacity of the soil

The permeability coefficient (kf -value) is a measure for the water permeability of the soil. A permeability coefficient should be between 10-3 and 10-6 m/s to ensure that the infiltration system functions properly. This value is normally determined in a soil survey.

Short test for the infiltration capacity of the soil

The short test is only for self-determination.

  • Dig a pit measuring 50 x 50 cm and approx. 30 cm deep at the level of the later base of the infiltration system.
  • To prevent the soil from washing up, it is covered with a layer of gravel. A measuring rod is driven into the ground. A mark is made on the measuring rod 10 cm above the bottom of the pit.
  • Now fill the pit with water and pre-water it for 1-2 hours by refilling it regularly (garden hose).
  • Now fill in water up to the mark. After 10 minutes, use a measuring bucket to top up with as much water as is necessary to raise the water level back up to the mark. The permeability of the soil can be estimated from the amount of water refilled.
  • Repeat this step as often as necessary (at least 3 times) until a constant value is obtained.
  • Evaluation of water quantity:
    • < 1.5 liters in 10 minutes - hardly any infiltration possible (silt )
    • = 1.5 liters in 10 minutes - infiltration possible (silty sand)
    • > 3 liters in 10 minutes - infiltration well possible (sand, gravel)

Type and size of the sealed area

Add up all your sealed surfaces (roof areas, paths, motor vehicle parking spaces). As a rule, you will already have this available for determining your sealing fees.

Schätzen Sie das benötigte Volumen in m³ ab und bestimmen die Anzahl der benötigten Komponeten

Die nachfolgenden Tabellen zeigen Berechnungsergebnisse bei unterschiedlichen Flächen [A], Standorte und Bodenbeschaffenheiten, die mit den Bemessungsregen nach KOSTRA DWD 2010R 04/2020* durchgeführt wurden.

The following table shows examples of diff erent calculation results in diff erent areas, locations and soil conditions.

Kf [m/s]  Aachen  Berlin 
 Volume m³A=100 m²A=150 m²A=200 m²A=100 m²A=150 m²A=200 m²
1*10-4 1,362,042,721,902,853,79
1*10-5 1,492,242,992,093,134,79
1*10-6 1,512,263,022,113,164,21


Required number of two-shell plastic tanks ET-2000-2

 < 3 m³< 6 m³< 9 m³etc.
two-shell plastic tank1 piece2 piece3 piece 

Note: Approx. 3 m³ storage volume can be calculated for each tank when installed. This consists of 2 m³ tank volume and 1 m³ storage volume of the fill level. The storage volume of the fill level results from 4.15 m³ fill level with approx. 25 % pore volume to approx. 1 m³.

The following table shows examples of diff erent calculation results in different areas, locations and soil conditions.

Kf [m/s]  Aachen  Berlin 
 Volume m³A=100 m²A=150 m²A=200 m²A=100 m²A=150 m²A=200 m²
1*10-4 1,362,042,721,902,853,79
1*10-5 1,492,242,992,093,134,79
1*10-6 1,512,263,022,113,164,21


Required number of DRAINMAX tunnels

 <2,2 m³<4,4 m³<6,6 m³etc.
DRAINMAX tunnel1 piece2 piece3 piece 

Note: Approx. 2.2 m³ storage volume can be calculated for each DRAINMAX tunnel when installed. This consists of 1.6 m³ tunnel volume and 0.6 m³ storage volume of the fill level. The storage volume of the fill level results from 2.4 m³ fill level with approx. 25 % pore volume to approx. 0.6 m³.

Free service calculation and offer

Send us the details of your sealed areas, the information on the infiltration capacity of the soil and your location. Using our Rainplaner software, we will determine an exact calculation of your required infiltration trench based on the current rainfall data and your information and make you an offer.


Check with your local water authorities if a permit for your infi ltration system is required. Partial amounts can also be infi ltrated permit free.

Do you have questions or are you interested in a non-binding offer?

We look forward to hearing from you.

Dimensioning of INTEWA products

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